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l1ttleO e41a459f6f
Fix durations blocking command handler thread
Add "This punishment will expire in" text to ban/mute notifications
2022-02-12 23:54:45 +05:00

75 lines
2.9 KiB

using Discord;
using Discord.Commands;
// ReSharper disable UnusedType.Global
// ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Global
// ReSharper disable ClassNeverInstantiated.Global
namespace Boyfriend.Commands;
public class BanCommand : Command {
public override async Task Run(SocketCommandContext context, string[] args) {
var reason = Utils.JoinString(args, 1);
TimeSpan duration;
try {
duration = Utils.GetTimeSpan(args[1]);
reason = Utils.JoinString(args, 2);
} catch (Exception e) when (e is ArgumentNullException or FormatException or OverflowException) {
duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1);
await BanUser(context.Guild, context.Channel as ITextChannel, context.Guild.GetUser(context.User.Id),
await Utils.ParseUser(args[0]), duration, reason);
public static async Task BanUser(IGuild guild, ITextChannel? channel, IGuildUser author, IUser toBan,
TimeSpan duration, string reason) {
var authorMention = author.Mention;
var guildBanMessage = $"({Utils.GetNameAndDiscrim(author)}) {reason}";
var memberToBan = await guild.GetUserAsync(toBan.Id);
var expiresIn = duration.TotalSeconds > 0
? string.Format(Messages.PunishmentExpiresIn, Environment.NewLine,
DateTimeOffset.Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds() + duration.TotalSeconds)
: "";
var notification = string.Format(Messages.UserBanned, authorMention, toBan.Mention, Utils.WrapInline(reason),
await CommandHandler.CheckPermissions(author, GuildPermission.BanMembers);
if (memberToBan != null)
await CommandHandler.CheckInteractions(author, memberToBan);
await Utils.SendDirectMessage(toBan, string.Format(Messages.YouWereBanned, author.Mention, guild.Name,
await guild.AddBanAsync(toBan, 0, guildBanMessage);
await Utils.SilentSendAsync(channel, string.Format(Messages.BanResponse, toBan.Mention,
await Utils.SilentSendAsync(await guild.GetSystemChannelAsync(), notification);
await Utils.SilentSendAsync(await Utils.GetAdminLogChannel(guild), notification);
if (duration.TotalSeconds > 0) {
var task = new Task(async () => {
await Task.Delay(duration);
try {
await UnbanCommand.UnbanUser(guild, null, await guild.GetCurrentUserAsync(), toBan,
} catch (ApplicationException) {}
public override List<string> GetAliases() {
return new List<string> {"ban", "бан"};
public override int GetArgumentsAmountRequired() {
return 2;
public override string GetSummary() {
return "Банит пользователя";