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Macintosh II c6dd3727c3
The Milestone Commit (#48)
- updated readme 7 times (and only adding new logo from /about)
bot footer from created event embed on the second try
cdn from discord to

- Guild settings code has been overhauled. Instead of instances of a
`GuildConfiguration` class being (de-)serialized when used with listing
and setting options provided by reflection, there are now multiple
`Option` classes responsible for the type of option they are storing.
The classes support getting a value, validating and setting values with
Results, and getting a user-friendly representation of these values.
This makes use of polymorphism, providing clean and easier to use and
refactor code.
- Gateway event responders have been split into their own separate
files, which should make it easier to find and modify responders when
- Warning suppressions regarding unused and never instantiated classes
have been replaced by `[ImplicitUse]` annotations provided by
`JetBrains.Annotations`. This avoids hiding real issues and provides a
better way to suppress false warnings while being explicit.
- It is no longer possible to execute some slash commands if they are
run without the correct permissions
- Dependencies are now more explicitly defined

 - Made easter eggs case-insensitive


Signed-off-by: Macintosh II <>
Signed-off-by: Octol1ttle <>
Co-authored-by: Octol1ttle <>
Co-authored-by: nrdk <>
2023-07-18 12:25:02 +00:00

135 lines
6.3 KiB

using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using Boyfriend.Data;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using Remora.Discord.API.Abstractions.Objects;
using Remora.Discord.API.Abstractions.Rest;
using Remora.Discord.Extensions.Formatting;
using Remora.Rest.Core;
using Remora.Results;
namespace Boyfriend.Services;
/// <summary>
/// Provides utility methods that cannot be transformed to extension methods because they require usage
/// of some Discord APIs.
/// </summary>
public class UtilityService : IHostedService {
private readonly IDiscordRestGuildScheduledEventAPI _eventApi;
private readonly IDiscordRestGuildAPI _guildApi;
private readonly IDiscordRestUserAPI _userApi;
public UtilityService(
IDiscordRestGuildAPI guildApi, IDiscordRestUserAPI userApi, IDiscordRestGuildScheduledEventAPI eventApi) {
_guildApi = guildApi;
_userApi = userApi;
_eventApi = eventApi;
public Task StartAsync(CancellationToken ct) {
return Task.CompletedTask;
public Task StopAsync(CancellationToken ct) {
return Task.CompletedTask;
/// <summary>
/// Checks whether or not a member can interact with another member
/// </summary>
/// <param name="guildId">The ID of the guild in which an operation is being performed.</param>
/// <param name="interacterId">The executor of the operation.</param>
/// <param name="targetId">The target of the operation.</param>
/// <param name="action">The operation.</param>
/// <param name="ct">The cancellation token for this operation.</param>
/// <returns>
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item>A result which has succeeded with a null string if the member can interact with the target.</item>
/// <item>
/// A result which has succeeded with a non-null string containing the error message if the member cannot
/// interact with the target.
/// </item>
/// <item>A result which has failed if an error occurred during the execution of this method.</item>
/// </list>
/// </returns>
public async Task<Result<string?>> CheckInteractionsAsync(
Snowflake guildId, Snowflake interacterId, Snowflake targetId, string action, CancellationToken ct = default) {
if (interacterId == targetId)
return Result<string?>.FromSuccess($"UserCannot{action}Themselves".Localized());
var currentUserResult = await _userApi.GetCurrentUserAsync(ct);
if (!currentUserResult.IsDefined(out var currentUser))
return Result<string?>.FromError(currentUserResult);
if (currentUser.ID == targetId)
return Result<string?>.FromSuccess($"UserCannot{action}Bot".Localized());
var guildResult = await _guildApi.GetGuildAsync(guildId, ct: ct);
if (!guildResult.IsDefined(out var guild))
return Result<string?>.FromError(guildResult);
if (targetId == guild.OwnerID) return Result<string?>.FromSuccess($"UserCannot{action}Owner".Localized());
var targetMemberResult = await _guildApi.GetGuildMemberAsync(guildId, targetId, ct);
if (!targetMemberResult.IsDefined(out var targetMember))
return Result<string?>.FromSuccess(null);
var currentMemberResult = await _guildApi.GetGuildMemberAsync(guildId, currentUser.ID, ct);
if (!currentMemberResult.IsDefined(out var currentMember))
return Result<string?>.FromError(currentMemberResult);
var rolesResult = await _guildApi.GetGuildRolesAsync(guildId, ct);
if (!rolesResult.IsDefined(out var roles))
return Result<string?>.FromError(rolesResult);
var targetRoles = roles.Where(r => targetMember.Roles.Contains(r.ID)).ToList();
var botRoles = roles.Where(r => currentMember.Roles.Contains(r.ID));
var targetBotRoleDiff = targetRoles.MaxOrDefault(r => r.Position) - botRoles.MaxOrDefault(r => r.Position);
if (targetBotRoleDiff >= 0)
return Result<string?>.FromSuccess($"BotCannot{action}Target".Localized());
if (interacterId == guild.OwnerID)
return Result<string?>.FromSuccess(null);
var interacterResult = await _guildApi.GetGuildMemberAsync(guildId, interacterId, ct);
if (!interacterResult.IsDefined(out var interacter))
return Result<string?>.FromError(interacterResult);
var interacterRoles = roles.Where(r => interacter.Roles.Contains(r.ID));
var targetInteracterRoleDiff
= targetRoles.MaxOrDefault(r => r.Position) - interacterRoles.MaxOrDefault(r => r.Position);
if (targetInteracterRoleDiff >= 0)
return Result<string?>.FromSuccess($"UserCannot{action}Target".Localized());
return Result<string?>.FromSuccess(null);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the string mentioning the <see cref="GuildSettings.EventNotificationRole"/> and event subscribers related to a scheduled
/// event.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="scheduledEvent">
/// The scheduled event whose subscribers will be mentioned.
/// </param>
/// <param name="settings">The settings of the guild containing the scheduled event</param>
/// <param name="ct">The cancellation token for this operation.</param>
/// <returns>A result containing the string which may or may not have succeeded.</returns>
public async Task<Result<string>> GetEventNotificationMentions(
IGuildScheduledEvent scheduledEvent, JsonNode settings, CancellationToken ct = default) {
var builder = new StringBuilder();
var role = GuildSettings.EventNotificationRole.Get(settings);
var usersResult = await _eventApi.GetGuildScheduledEventUsersAsync(
scheduledEvent.GuildID, scheduledEvent.ID, withMember: true, ct: ct);
if (!usersResult.IsDefined(out var users)) return Result<string>.FromError(usersResult);
if (role.Value is not 0)
builder.Append($"{Mention.Role(role)} ");
builder = users.Where(
user => {
if (!user.GuildMember.IsDefined(out var member)) return true;
return !member.Roles.Contains(role);
.Aggregate(builder, (current, user) => current.Append($"{Mention.User(user.User)} "));
return builder.ToString();