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Macintxsh 4dc460a269
Add issue button w/ some button updates (#221)
In this PR, I've added a "Report an issue" button and a few more
button-related changes:
- Add "Report an issue" button
- Add icon for "Octobot's source code"
- Rename `AboutTitleRepository` to `ButtonOpenRepository`
- Rename `OpenEventInfoButton` to `ButtonOpenEventInfo` to be consistent
with other language string names
- Rename `ColorsList.cs` to `Miscellaneous.cs`
- Add public const strings in `Octobot.cs` to get repository & issues links


Signed-off-by: mctaylors <>
2023-12-17 21:35:09 +03:00

124 lines
5.8 KiB

using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Octobot.Commands;
using Octobot.Commands.Events;
using Octobot.Services;
using Octobot.Services.Update;
using Remora.Commands.Extensions;
using Remora.Discord.API.Abstractions.Gateway.Commands;
using Remora.Discord.API.Abstractions.Objects;
using Remora.Discord.API.Objects;
using Remora.Discord.Caching.Extensions;
using Remora.Discord.Caching.Services;
using Remora.Discord.Commands.Extensions;
using Remora.Discord.Commands.Services;
using Remora.Discord.Gateway;
using Remora.Discord.Gateway.Extensions;
using Remora.Discord.Hosting.Extensions;
using Remora.Rest.Core;
using Serilog.Extensions.Logging;
namespace Octobot;
public sealed class Octobot
public static readonly AllowedMentions NoMentions = new(
Array.Empty<MentionType>(), Array.Empty<Snowflake>(), Array.Empty<Snowflake>());
public const string RepositoryUrl = "";
public const string IssuesUrl = $"{RepositoryUrl}/issues";
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
var host = CreateHostBuilder(args).UseConsoleLifetime().Build();
var services = host.Services;
var slashService = services.GetRequiredService<SlashService>();
// Providing a guild ID to this call will result in command duplicates!
// To get rid of them, provide the ID of the guild containing duplicates,
// comment out calls to WithCommandGroup in CreateHostBuilder
// then launch the bot again and remove the guild ID
await slashService.UpdateSlashCommandsAsync();
await host.RunAsync();
private static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args)
return Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
services =>
var configuration = services.GetRequiredService<IConfiguration>();
return configuration.GetValue<string?>("BOT_TOKEN")
?? throw new InvalidOperationException(
"No bot token has been provided. Set the "
+ "BOT_TOKEN environment variable to a valid token.");
(_, services) =>
options =>
options.Intents |= GatewayIntents.MessageContents
| GatewayIntents.GuildMembers
| GatewayIntents.GuildPresences
| GatewayIntents.GuildScheduledEvents;
cSettings =>
services.AddTransient<IConfigurationBuilder, ConfigurationBuilder>()
// Init
.AddDiscordCommands(true, false)
// Slash command event handlers
// Services
// Slash commands
var responderTypes = typeof(Octobot).Assembly
.Where(t => t.IsResponder());
foreach (var responderType in responderTypes)
c => c.AddConsole()
outputTemplate: "{Timestamp:o} [{Level:u4}] {Message} {NewLine}{Exception}")
.AddFilter("System.Net.Http.HttpClient.*.LogicalHandler", LogLevel.Warning)
.AddFilter("System.Net.Http.HttpClient.*.ClientHandler", LogLevel.Warning)
.AddFilter<SerilogLoggerProvider>("System.Net.Http.HttpClient.*.LogicalHandler", LogLevel.Warning)
.AddFilter<SerilogLoggerProvider>("System.Net.Http.HttpClient.*.ClientHandler", LogLevel.Warning)