text/microsoft-resx 1.3 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Couldn't find guild by message! {0}I'm ready! (C#) Deleted message in {0}, but I forgot what was there Deleted message from {0} in channel Too many mentions in 1 message Message edited from {0} in channel {1}, but I forgot what was there before the edit Message edited from {0} in channel {1}.{2}Before:{3}{4}{5}After:{6}{7} {0}, welcome to {1} Bah! Bop! Beep! Invalid admin log channel for guild You must set up a mute role in settings! Command execution was unsuccessful: {0} Repeated arguments detected! {0} Command parsing failed: {0} Unknown command! {0} Invalid argument count! {0} Arguments not present! {0} I do not have permission to execute this command! You do not have permission to execute this command! Members are in different guilds! You cannot interact with guild owner! You cannot interact with yourself! You cannot interact with me! You cannot interact with this member! I cannot interact with this member! You were banned by {0} in guild {1} for {2} {0} banned {1} for {2}{3} Punishment expired Negative message amount specified! Too many messages specified! {0} deleted {1} messages in channel {2} Command help:{0} You were kicked by {0} in guild {1} for {2} {0} kicked {1} for {2} {0} muted {1} for {2}{3} ms Member is already muted! Someone removed the mute role manually! Not specified Not specified Current settings:{0} Language (`lang`): `{0}`{1} Prefix (`prefix`): `{0}`{1} Remove roles on mute (`removeRolesOnMute`): {0}{1} Use system channel for notifications (`useSystemChannel`): {0}{1} Send welcome messages (`sendWelcomeMessages`): {0}{1} Default role (`defaultRole`): {0}{1} Mute role (`muteRole`): {0}{1} Admin log channel (`adminLogChannel`): {0}{1} Bot log channel (`botLogChannel`): {0} Language not supported! Settings successfully updated Invalid argument! 'true' or 'false' required! Invalid role specified! Invalid channel specified! Yes No User not banned! Member not muted! Someone removed the mute role manually! I added back all roles that I removed during the mute {0} unmuted {1} for {2} {0} unbanned {1} for {2} Welcome message: `{0}`{1} Not enough arguments! Needed: {0}, provided: {1} Invalid message amount specified! :white_check_mark: Successfully banned {0} for {1} :white_check_mark: Successfully kicked {0} for {1} The specified user is not a member of this server! :white_check_mark: Successfully muted {0} for {1} :white_check_mark: Successfully unbanned {0} for {1} :white_check_mark: Successfully unmuted {0} for {1} That setting doesn't exist! Receive startup messages (`receiveStartupMessages`): {0}{1} {0}This punishment will expire <t:{1}:R>