forked from TeamInklings/Octobot
Improve performance of CommandProcessor
This improvement was accomplished by removing usages of Regex. This also reduced unnecessary instructions by returning after a match was found instead of continuing to loop through commands
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 10 additions and 16 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Boyfriend.Commands;
using Discord;
using Discord.Commands;
@ -14,14 +13,14 @@ public sealed class CommandProcessor {
private const string NoAccess = ":no_entry_sign: ";
private const string CantInteract = ":vertical_traffic_light: ";
private const string Mention = "<@855023234407333888>";
public static readonly ICommand[] Commands = {
new BanCommand(), new ClearCommand(), new HelpCommand(),
new KickCommand(), new MuteCommand(), new PingCommand(),
new SettingsCommand(), new UnbanCommand(), new UnmuteCommand()
private static readonly Dictionary<string, Regex> RegexCache = new();
private static readonly Regex MentionRegex = new(Regex.Escape("<@855023234407333888>"), RegexOptions.Compiled);
private readonly StringBuilder _stackedPrivateFeedback = new();
private readonly StringBuilder _stackedPublicFeedback = new();
private readonly StringBuilder _stackedReplyMessage = new();
@ -46,16 +45,10 @@ public sealed class CommandProcessor {
Regex regex;
if (RegexCache.ContainsKey(config["Prefix"])) { regex = RegexCache[config["Prefix"]]; } else {
regex = new Regex(Regex.Escape(config["Prefix"]), RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
RegexCache.Add(config["Prefix"], regex);
var list = Context.Message.Content.Split("\n");
var cleanList = Context.Message.CleanContent.Split("\n");
for (var i = 0; i < list.Length; i++) {
RunCommandOnLine(list[i], cleanList[i], regex);
RunCommandOnLine(list[i], cleanList[i], config["Prefix"]);
if (_serverBlacklisted) {
await Context.Message.ReplyAsync(Messages.ServerBlacklisted);
@ -78,20 +71,21 @@ public sealed class CommandProcessor {
private void RunCommandOnLine(string line, string cleanLine, Regex regex) {
private void RunCommandOnLine(string line, string cleanLine, string prefix) {
var prefixed = line[..prefix.Length] == prefix;
if (!prefixed && line[..Mention.Length] is not Mention) return;
foreach (var command in Commands) {
var lineNoMention = regex.Replace(MentionRegex.Replace(line, "", 1), "", 1);
if (lineNoMention == line
|| !command.Aliases.Contains(lineNoMention.Trim().ToLower().Split()[0]))
var lineNoMention = line.Remove(0, prefixed ? prefix.Length : Mention.Length);
if (!command.Aliases.Contains(lineNoMention.Trim().Split()[0])) continue;
if (Utils.IsServerBlacklisted(Context.Guild)) {
_serverBlacklisted = true;
var args = line.Split().Skip(lineNoMention.StartsWith(" ") ? 2 : 1).ToArray();
var args = lineNoMention.Trim().Split().Skip(1).ToArray();
var cleanArgs = cleanLine.Split().Skip(lineNoMention.StartsWith(" ") ? 2 : 1).ToArray();
_tasks.Add(command.RunAsync(this, args, cleanArgs));
Reference in a new issue