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using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using Boyfriend.Data;
using Discord;
using Discord.Net;
using Discord.WebSocket;
using Humanizer;
using Humanizer.Localisation;
namespace Boyfriend;
public static partial class Utils {
public static readonly Dictionary<string, CultureInfo> CultureInfoCache = new() {
{ "ru", new CultureInfo("ru-RU") },
{ "en", new CultureInfo("en-US") },
{ "mctaylors-ru", new CultureInfo("tt-RU") }
private static readonly Dictionary<string, string> ReflectionMessageCache = new();
private static readonly AllowedMentions AllowRoles = new() {
AllowedTypes = AllowedMentionTypes.Roles
public static string GetBeep(int i = -1) {
return GetMessage($"Beep{(i < 0 ? Random.Shared.Next(3) + 1 : ++i)}");
public static string? Wrap(string? original, bool limitedSpace = false) {
if (original is null) return null;
var maxChars = limitedSpace ? 970 : 1940;
if (original.Length > maxChars) original = original[..maxChars];
var style = original.Contains('\n') ? "```" : "`";
return $"{style}{original}{(original.Equals("") ? " " : "")}{style}";
public static string MentionChannel(ulong id) {
return $"<#{id}>";
public static ulong ParseMention(string mention) {
return ulong.TryParse(NumbersOnlyRegex().Replace(mention, ""), out var id) ? id : 0;
public static async Task SendDirectMessage(SocketUser user, string toSend) {
try { await user.SendMessageAsync(toSend); } catch (HttpException e) {
if (e.DiscordCode is not DiscordErrorCode.CannotSendMessageToUser) throw;
public static async Task SilentSendAsync(SocketTextChannel? channel, string text, bool allowRoles = false) {
try {
if (channel is null || text.Length is 0 or > 2000)
throw new UnreachableException($"Message length is out of range: {text.Length}");
await channel.SendMessageAsync(text, false, null, null, allowRoles ? AllowRoles : AllowedMentions.None);
} catch (Exception e) {
await Boyfriend.Log(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Error, nameof(Utils),
"Exception while silently sending message", e));
public static RequestOptions GetRequestOptions(string reason) {
var options = RequestOptions.Default;
options.AuditLogReason = reason;
return options;
public static string GetMessage(string name) {
var propertyName = name;
name = $"{Messages.Culture}/{name}";
if (ReflectionMessageCache.TryGetValue(name, out var cachedMessage)) return cachedMessage;
var toReturn =
typeof(Messages).GetProperty(propertyName, BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static)?.GetValue(null)
if (toReturn is null) {
Console.Error.WriteLine($@"Could not find localized property: {propertyName}");
return name;
ReflectionMessageCache.Add(name, toReturn);
return toReturn;
public static async Task
SendFeedbackAsync(string feedback, SocketGuild guild, string mention, bool sendPublic = false) {
var data = GuildData.Get(guild);
var adminChannel = data.PrivateFeedbackChannel;
var systemChannel = data.PublicFeedbackChannel;
var toSend = $"*[{mention}: {feedback}]*";
if (adminChannel is not null) await SilentSendAsync(adminChannel, toSend);
if (sendPublic && systemChannel is not null) await SilentSendAsync(systemChannel, toSend);
public static string GetHumanizedTimeSpan(TimeSpan span) {
return span.TotalSeconds < 1
? Messages.Ever
: $" {span.Humanize(2, minUnit: TimeUnit.Second, maxUnit: TimeUnit.Month, culture: Messages.Culture.Name.Contains("RU") ? CultureInfoCache["ru"] : Messages.Culture)}";
public static void SetCurrentLanguage(SocketGuild guild) {
Messages.Culture = CultureInfoCache[GuildData.Get(guild).Preferences["Lang"]];
public static void SafeAppendToBuilder(StringBuilder appendTo, string appendWhat, SocketTextChannel? channel) {
if (channel is null) return;
if (appendTo.Length + appendWhat.Length > 2000) {
_ = SilentSendAsync(channel, appendTo.ToString());
public static void SafeAppendToBuilder(StringBuilder appendTo, string appendWhat, SocketUserMessage message) {
if (appendTo.Length + appendWhat.Length > 2000) {
_ = message.ReplyAsync(appendTo.ToString(), false, null, AllowedMentions.None);
public static SocketTextChannel? GetEventNotificationChannel(SocketGuild guild) {
return guild.GetTextChannel(ParseMention(GuildData.Get(guild)
public static bool UserExists(ulong id) {
return Boyfriend.Client.GetUser(id) is not null || UserInMemberData(id);
private static bool UserInMemberData(ulong id) {
return GuildData.GuildDataDictionary.Values.Any(gData => gData.MemberData.Values.Any(mData => mData.Id == id));
public static async Task<bool> UnmuteMemberAsync(GuildData data, string modDiscrim, SocketGuildUser toUnmute,
string reason) {
var requestOptions = GetRequestOptions($"({modDiscrim}) {reason}");
var role = data.MuteRole;
if (role is not null) {
if (!toUnmute.Roles.Contains(role)) return false;
if (data.Preferences["RemoveRolesOnMute"] is "true")
await toUnmute.AddRolesAsync(data.MemberData[toUnmute.Id].Roles, requestOptions);
await toUnmute.RemoveRoleAsync(role, requestOptions);
data.MemberData[toUnmute.Id].MutedUntil = null;
} else {
if (toUnmute.TimedOutUntil is null || toUnmute.TimedOutUntil.Value < DateTimeOffset.Now) return false;
await toUnmute.RemoveTimeOutAsync(requestOptions);
return true;
private static partial Regex NumbersOnlyRegex();