using System.Net;
using Remora.Discord.Extensions.Formatting;
namespace TeamOctolings.Octobot.Extensions;
public static class StringExtensions
private const string ZeroWidthSpace = "";
/// Sanitizes a string for use in by inserting zero-width spaces in between
/// symbols used to format the string with block code.
/// The string to sanitize.
/// The sanitized string that can be safely used in .
private static string SanitizeForBlockCode(this string s)
return s.Replace("```", $"{ZeroWidthSpace}`{ZeroWidthSpace}`{ZeroWidthSpace}`{ZeroWidthSpace}");
/// Sanitizes a string for use in when "language" is "diff" by
/// prepending a zero-width space before the input string to prevent Discord from applying syntax highlighting.
/// This does not call , you have to do so yourself if needed.
/// The string to sanitize.
/// The sanitized string that can be safely used in with "diff" as the language.
public static string SanitizeForDiffBlock(this string s)
return $"{ZeroWidthSpace}{s}";
/// Sanitizes a string (see ) and formats the string to use Markdown Block Code
/// formatting with a specified
/// language for syntax highlighting.
/// The string to sanitize and format.
/// The sanitized string formatted to use Markdown Block Code with a specified
/// language for syntax highlighting.
public static string InBlockCode(this string s, string language = "")
s = s.SanitizeForBlockCode();
$"```{language}\n{s.SanitizeForBlockCode()}{(s.EndsWith('`') || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(s) ? " " : "")}```";
public static string Localized(this string key)
return Messages.ResourceManager.GetString(key, Messages.Culture) ?? key;
/// Encodes a string to allow its transmission in request headers.
/// Used when encountering "Request headers must contain only ASCII characters".
/// The string to encode.
/// An encoded string with spaces kept intact.
public static string EncodeHeader(this string s)
return WebUtility.UrlEncode(s).Replace('+', ' ');