using System.ComponentModel; using System.Text; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Remora.Commands.Attributes; using Remora.Commands.Groups; using Remora.Discord.API.Abstractions.Objects; using Remora.Discord.API.Abstractions.Rest; using Remora.Discord.Commands.Attributes; using Remora.Discord.Commands.Contexts; using Remora.Discord.Commands.Feedback.Services; using Remora.Discord.Extensions.Embeds; using Remora.Discord.Extensions.Formatting; using Remora.Results; using TeamOctolings.Octobot.Data; using TeamOctolings.Octobot.Extensions; using TeamOctolings.Octobot.Parsers; using TeamOctolings.Octobot.Services; namespace TeamOctolings.Octobot.Commands; /// <summary> /// Handles tool commands: /random, /timestamp, /8ball. /// </summary> [UsedImplicitly] public sealed class ToolsCommandGroup : CommandGroup { private static readonly TimestampStyle[] AllStyles = [ TimestampStyle.ShortDate, TimestampStyle.LongDate, TimestampStyle.ShortTime, TimestampStyle.LongTime, TimestampStyle.ShortDateTime, TimestampStyle.LongDateTime, TimestampStyle.RelativeTime ]; private static readonly string[] AnswerTypes = [ "Positive", "Questionable", "Neutral", "Negative" ]; private readonly ICommandContext _context; private readonly IFeedbackService _feedback; private readonly GuildDataService _guildData; private readonly IDiscordRestUserAPI _userApi; public ToolsCommandGroup( ICommandContext context, IFeedbackService feedback, GuildDataService guildData, IDiscordRestUserAPI userApi) { _context = context; _guildData = guildData; _feedback = feedback; _userApi = userApi; } /// <summary> /// A slash command that generates a random number using maximum and minimum numbers. /// </summary> /// <param name="first">The first number used for randomization.</param> /// <param name="second">The second number used for randomization. Default value: 0</param> /// <returns> /// A feedback sending result which may or may not have succeeded. /// </returns> [Command("random")] [DiscordDefaultDMPermission(false)] [Description("Generates a random number")] [UsedImplicitly] public async Task<Result> ExecuteRandomAsync( [Description("First number")] long first, [Description("Second number (Default: 0)")] long? second = null) { if (!_context.TryGetContextIDs(out var guildId, out _, out var executorId)) { return new ArgumentInvalidError(nameof(_context), "Unable to retrieve necessary IDs from command context"); } var executorResult = await _userApi.GetUserAsync(executorId, CancellationToken); if (!executorResult.IsDefined(out var executor)) { return ResultExtensions.FromError(executorResult); } var data = await _guildData.GetData(guildId, CancellationToken); Messages.Culture = GuildSettings.Language.Get(data.Settings); return await SendRandomNumberAsync(first, second, executor, CancellationToken); } private Task<Result> SendRandomNumberAsync(long first, long? secondNullable, IUser executor, CancellationToken ct) { const long secondDefault = 0; var second = secondNullable ?? secondDefault; var min = Math.Min(first, second); var max = Math.Max(first, second); var i = Random.Shared.NextInt64(min, max + 1); var description = new StringBuilder().Append("# ").Append(i); description.AppendLine().AppendBulletPoint(string.Format( Messages.RandomMin, Markdown.InlineCode(min.ToString()))); if (secondNullable is null && first >= secondDefault) { description.Append(' ').Append(Messages.Default); } description.AppendLine().AppendBulletPoint(string.Format( Messages.RandomMax, Markdown.InlineCode(max.ToString()))); if (secondNullable is null && first < secondDefault) { description.Append(' ').Append(Messages.Default); } var embedColor = ColorsList.Blue; if (secondNullable is not null && min == max) { description.AppendLine().Append(Markdown.Italicise(Messages.RandomMinMaxSame)); embedColor = ColorsList.Red; } var embed = new EmbedBuilder().WithSmallTitle( string.Format(Messages.RandomTitle, executor.GetTag()), executor) .WithDescription(description.ToString()) .WithColour(embedColor) .Build(); return _feedback.SendContextualEmbedResultAsync(embed, ct: ct); } /// <summary> /// A slash command that shows the current timestamp with an optional offset in all styles supported by Discord. /// </summary> /// <param name="stringOffset">The offset for the current timestamp.</param> /// <returns> /// A feedback sending result which may or may not have succeeded. /// </returns> [Command("timestamp")] [DiscordDefaultDMPermission(false)] [Description("Shows a timestamp in all styles")] [UsedImplicitly] public async Task<Result> ExecuteTimestampAsync( [Description("Offset from current time")] [Option("offset")] string? stringOffset = null) { if (!_context.TryGetContextIDs(out var guildId, out _, out var executorId)) { return new ArgumentInvalidError(nameof(_context), "Unable to retrieve necessary IDs from command context"); } var botResult = await _userApi.GetCurrentUserAsync(CancellationToken); if (!botResult.IsDefined(out var bot)) { return ResultExtensions.FromError(botResult); } var executorResult = await _userApi.GetUserAsync(executorId, CancellationToken); if (!executorResult.IsDefined(out var executor)) { return ResultExtensions.FromError(executorResult); } var data = await _guildData.GetData(guildId, CancellationToken); Messages.Culture = GuildSettings.Language.Get(data.Settings); if (stringOffset is null) { return await SendTimestampAsync(null, executor, CancellationToken); } var parseResult = TimeSpanParser.TryParse(stringOffset); if (!parseResult.IsDefined(out var offset)) { var failedEmbed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithSmallTitle(Messages.InvalidTimeSpan, bot) .WithDescription(Messages.TimeSpanExample) .WithColour(ColorsList.Red) .Build(); return await _feedback.SendContextualEmbedResultAsync(failedEmbed, ct: CancellationToken); } return await SendTimestampAsync(offset, executor, CancellationToken); } private Task<Result> SendTimestampAsync(TimeSpan? offset, IUser executor, CancellationToken ct) { var timestamp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Add(offset ?? TimeSpan.Zero).ToUnixTimeSeconds(); var description = new StringBuilder().Append("# ").AppendLine(timestamp.ToString()); if (offset is not null) { description.AppendLine(string.Format( Messages.TimestampOffset, Markdown.InlineCode(offset.ToString() ?? string.Empty))).AppendLine(); } foreach (var markdownTimestamp in AllStyles.Select(style => Markdown.Timestamp(timestamp, style))) { description.AppendBulletPoint(Markdown.InlineCode(markdownTimestamp)) .Append(" → ").AppendLine(markdownTimestamp); } var embed = new EmbedBuilder().WithSmallTitle( string.Format(Messages.TimestampTitle, executor.GetTag()), executor) .WithDescription(description.ToString()) .WithColour(ColorsList.Blue) .Build(); return _feedback.SendContextualEmbedResultAsync(embed, ct: ct); } /// <summary> /// A slash command that shows a random answer from the Magic 8-Ball. /// </summary> /// <param name="question">Unused input.</param> /// <remarks> /// The 8-Ball answers were taken from <a href="">Wikipedia</a>. /// </remarks> /// <returns> /// A feedback sending result which may or may not have succeeded. /// </returns> [Command("8ball")] [DiscordDefaultDMPermission(false)] [Description("Ask the Magic 8-Ball a question")] [UsedImplicitly] public async Task<Result> ExecuteEightBallAsync( // let the user think he's actually asking the ball a question [Description("Question to ask")] string question) { if (!_context.TryGetContextIDs(out var guildId, out _, out _)) { return new ArgumentInvalidError(nameof(_context), "Unable to retrieve necessary IDs from command context"); } var botResult = await _userApi.GetCurrentUserAsync(CancellationToken); if (!botResult.IsDefined(out var bot)) { return ResultExtensions.FromError(botResult); } var data = await _guildData.GetData(guildId, CancellationToken); Messages.Culture = GuildSettings.Language.Get(data.Settings); return await AnswerEightBallAsync(bot, CancellationToken); } private Task<Result> AnswerEightBallAsync(IUser bot, CancellationToken ct) { var typeNumber = Random.Shared.Next(0, 4); var embedColor = typeNumber switch { 0 => ColorsList.Blue, 1 => ColorsList.Green, 2 => ColorsList.Yellow, 3 => ColorsList.Red, _ => throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(null, nameof(typeNumber)) }; var answer = $"EightBall{AnswerTypes[typeNumber]}{Random.Shared.Next(1, 6)}".Localized(); var embed = new EmbedBuilder().WithSmallTitle(answer, bot) .WithColour(embedColor) .Build(); return _feedback.SendContextualEmbedResultAsync(embed, ct: ct); } }