using System.Text; using DiffPlex.DiffBuilder; using JetBrains.Annotations; using Remora.Discord.API.Abstractions.Gateway.Events; using Remora.Discord.API.Abstractions.Objects; using Remora.Discord.API.Abstractions.Rest; using Remora.Discord.Caching; using Remora.Discord.Caching.Services; using Remora.Discord.Extensions.Embeds; using Remora.Discord.Gateway.Responders; using Remora.Results; using TeamOctolings.Octobot.Data; using TeamOctolings.Octobot.Extensions; using TeamOctolings.Octobot.Services; namespace TeamOctolings.Octobot.Responders; /// <summary> /// Handles logging the difference between an edited message's old and new content /// to a guild's <see cref="GuildSettings.PrivateFeedbackChannel" /> if one is set. /// </summary> [UsedImplicitly] public sealed class MessageEditedResponder : IResponder<IMessageUpdate> { private readonly CacheService _cacheService; private readonly IDiscordRestChannelAPI _channelApi; private readonly GuildDataService _guildData; public MessageEditedResponder( CacheService cacheService, IDiscordRestChannelAPI channelApi, GuildDataService guildData) { _cacheService = cacheService; _channelApi = channelApi; _guildData = guildData; } public async Task<Result> RespondAsync(IMessageUpdate gatewayEvent, CancellationToken ct = default) { if (!gatewayEvent.ID.IsDefined(out var messageId)) { return new ArgumentNullError(nameof(gatewayEvent.ID)); } if (!gatewayEvent.ChannelID.IsDefined(out var channelId)) { return new ArgumentNullError(nameof(gatewayEvent.ChannelID)); } if (!gatewayEvent.GuildID.IsDefined(out var guildId) || !gatewayEvent.Author.IsDefined(out var author) || !gatewayEvent.EditedTimestamp.IsDefined(out var timestamp) || !gatewayEvent.Content.IsDefined(out var newContent)) { return Result.Success; } var cfg = await _guildData.GetSettings(guildId, ct); if (author.IsBot.OrDefault(false) || GuildSettings.PrivateFeedbackChannel.Get(cfg).Empty()) { return Result.Success; } var cacheKey = new KeyHelpers.MessageCacheKey(channelId, messageId); var messageResult = await _cacheService.TryGetValueAsync<IMessage>( cacheKey, ct); if (!messageResult.IsDefined(out var message)) { _ = _channelApi.GetChannelMessageAsync(channelId, messageId, ct); return Result.Success; } if (message.Content == newContent) { return Result.Success; } // Custom event responders are called earlier than responders responsible for message caching // This means that subsequent edit logs may contain the wrong content // We can work around this by evicting the message from the cache await _cacheService.EvictAsync<IMessage>(cacheKey, ct); // However, since we evicted the message, subsequent edits won't have a cached instance to work with // Getting the message will put it back in the cache, resolving all issues // We don't need to await this since the result is not needed // NOTE: Because this is not awaited, there may be a race condition depending on how fast clients are able to edit their messages // NOTE: Awaiting this might not even solve this if the same responder is called asynchronously _ = _channelApi.GetChannelMessageAsync(channelId, messageId, ct); var diff = InlineDiffBuilder.Diff(message.Content, newContent); Messages.Culture = GuildSettings.Language.Get(cfg); var builder = new StringBuilder() .AppendLine(diff.AsMarkdown()) .AppendLine(string.Format(Messages.DescriptionActionJumpToMessage, $"{guildId}/{channelId}/{messageId}") ); var embed = new EmbedBuilder() .WithSmallTitle(string.Format(Messages.CachedMessageEdited, message.Author.GetTag()), message.Author) .WithDescription(builder.ToString()) .WithTimestamp(timestamp.Value) .WithColour(ColorsList.Yellow) .Build(); return await _channelApi.CreateMessageWithEmbedResultAsync( GuildSettings.PrivateFeedbackChannel.Get(cfg), embedResult: embed, allowedMentions: Utility.NoMentions, ct: ct); } }