using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.Json.Nodes;
using Octobot.Data;
using Octobot.Extensions;
using Remora.Discord.API.Abstractions.Objects;
using Remora.Discord.API.Abstractions.Rest;
using Remora.Discord.Extensions.Embeds;
using Remora.Discord.Extensions.Formatting;
using Remora.Rest.Core;
using Remora.Results;
namespace Octobot.Services;
/// Provides utility methods that cannot be transformed to extension methods because they require usage
/// of some Discord APIs.
public sealed class Utility
private readonly IDiscordRestChannelAPI _channelApi;
private readonly IDiscordRestGuildScheduledEventAPI _eventApi;
private readonly IDiscordRestGuildAPI _guildApi;
public Utility(
IDiscordRestChannelAPI channelApi, IDiscordRestGuildScheduledEventAPI eventApi, IDiscordRestGuildAPI guildApi)
_channelApi = channelApi;
_eventApi = eventApi;
_guildApi = guildApi;
/// Gets the string mentioning the and event subscribers related to
/// a scheduled
/// event.
/// The scheduled event whose subscribers will be mentioned.
/// The data of the guild containing the scheduled event.
/// The cancellation token for this operation.
/// A result containing the string which may or may not have succeeded.
public async Task> GetEventNotificationMentions(
IGuildScheduledEvent scheduledEvent, GuildData data, CancellationToken ct = default)
var builder = new StringBuilder();
var role = GuildSettings.EventNotificationRole.Get(data.Settings);
var subscribersResult = await _eventApi.GetGuildScheduledEventUsersAsync(
scheduledEvent.GuildID, scheduledEvent.ID, ct: ct);
if (!subscribersResult.IsDefined(out var subscribers))
return Result.FromError(subscribersResult);
if (!role.Empty())
builder.Append($"{Mention.Role(role)} ");
builder = subscribers.Where(
subscriber => !data.GetOrCreateMemberData(subscriber.User.ID).Roles.Contains(role.Value))
.Aggregate(builder, (current, subscriber) => current.Append($"{Mention.User(subscriber.User)} "));
return builder.ToString();
/// Logs an action in the and
/// .
/// The guild configuration.
/// The ID of the channel where the action was executed.
/// The user who performed the action.
/// The title for the embed.
/// The description of the embed.
/// The user whose avatar will be displayed next to the of the embed.
/// The color of the embed.
/// Whether or not the embed should be sent in
/// The cancellation token for this operation.
/// A result which has succeeded.
public void LogAction(
JsonNode cfg, Snowflake channelId, IUser user, string title, string description, IUser avatar,
Color color, bool isPublic = true, CancellationToken ct = default)
var publicChannel = GuildSettings.PublicFeedbackChannel.Get(cfg);
var privateChannel = GuildSettings.PrivateFeedbackChannel.Get(cfg);
if (GuildSettings.PublicFeedbackChannel.Get(cfg).EmptyOrEqualTo(channelId)
&& GuildSettings.PrivateFeedbackChannel.Get(cfg).EmptyOrEqualTo(channelId))
var logEmbed = new EmbedBuilder().WithSmallTitle(title, avatar)
// Not awaiting to reduce response time
if (isPublic && publicChannel != channelId)
_ = _channelApi.CreateMessageWithEmbedResultAsync(
publicChannel, embedResult: logEmbed,
ct: ct);
if (privateChannel != publicChannel
&& privateChannel != channelId)
_ = _channelApi.CreateMessageWithEmbedResultAsync(
privateChannel, embedResult: logEmbed,
ct: ct);
public async Task> GetEmergencyFeedbackChannel(IGuild guild, GuildData data, CancellationToken ct)
var privateFeedback = GuildSettings.PrivateFeedbackChannel.Get(data.Settings);
if (!privateFeedback.Empty())
return privateFeedback;
var publicFeedback = GuildSettings.PublicFeedbackChannel.Get(data.Settings);
if (!publicFeedback.Empty())
return publicFeedback;
if (guild.SystemChannelID.AsOptional().IsDefined(out var systemChannel))
return systemChannel;
var channelsResult = await _guildApi.GetGuildChannelsAsync(guild.ID, ct);
return channelsResult.IsDefined(out var channels)
? channels[0].ID
: Result.FromError(channelsResult);