2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Text;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
2023-09-30 16:58:32 +03:00
using Octobot.Data;
2023-10-12 20:37:25 +05:00
using Octobot.Extensions;
2023-12-31 15:27:00 +03:00
using Octobot.Parsers;
2023-09-30 16:58:32 +03:00
using Octobot.Services;
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
using Remora.Commands.Attributes;
using Remora.Commands.Groups;
using Remora.Discord.API.Abstractions.Objects;
using Remora.Discord.API.Abstractions.Rest;
using Remora.Discord.Commands.Attributes;
using Remora.Discord.Commands.Contexts;
using Remora.Discord.Commands.Feedback.Services;
using Remora.Discord.Extensions.Embeds;
using Remora.Discord.Extensions.Formatting;
using Remora.Rest.Core;
using Remora.Results;
2023-09-30 16:58:32 +03:00
namespace Octobot.Commands;
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
/// <summary>
2023-10-06 15:35:08 +03:00
/// Handles tool commands: /userinfo, /guildinfo, /random, /timestamp.
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
/// </summary>
public class ToolsCommandGroup : CommandGroup
private readonly ICommandContext _context;
2023-11-04 23:28:22 +05:00
private readonly IFeedbackService _feedback;
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
private readonly IDiscordRestGuildAPI _guildApi;
private readonly GuildDataService _guildData;
private readonly IDiscordRestUserAPI _userApi;
public ToolsCommandGroup(
2023-11-04 23:28:22 +05:00
ICommandContext context, IFeedbackService feedback,
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
GuildDataService guildData, IDiscordRestGuildAPI guildApi,
IDiscordRestUserAPI userApi, IDiscordRestChannelAPI channelApi)
_context = context;
_guildData = guildData;
_feedback = feedback;
_guildApi = guildApi;
_userApi = userApi;
/// <summary>
/// A slash command that shows information about user.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Information in the output:
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item>Display name</item>
/// <item>Discord user since</item>
/// <item>Guild nickname</item>
/// <item>Guild member since</item>
/// <item>Nitro booster since</item>
/// <item>Guild roles</item>
/// <item>Active mute information</item>
/// <item>Active ban information</item>
/// <item>Is on guild status</item>
/// </list>
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="target">The user to show info about.</param>
/// <returns>
/// A feedback sending result which may or may not have succeeded.
/// </returns>
2023-10-06 15:35:08 +03:00
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
[Description("Shows info about user")]
2023-10-06 15:35:08 +03:00
public async Task<Result> ExecuteUserInfoAsync(
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
[Description("User to show info about")]
IUser? target = null)
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
if (!_context.TryGetContextIDs(out var guildId, out _, out var executorId))
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
return new ArgumentInvalidError(nameof(_context), "Unable to retrieve necessary IDs from command context");
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
var botResult = await _userApi.GetCurrentUserAsync(CancellationToken);
if (!botResult.IsDefined(out var bot))
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
return Result.FromError(botResult);
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
var executorResult = await _userApi.GetUserAsync(executorId, CancellationToken);
if (!executorResult.IsDefined(out var executor))
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
return Result.FromError(executorResult);
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
var data = await _guildData.GetData(guildId, CancellationToken);
Messages.Culture = GuildSettings.Language.Get(data.Settings);
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
return await ShowUserInfoAsync(target ?? executor, bot, data, guildId, CancellationToken);
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
private async Task<Result> ShowUserInfoAsync(
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
IUser target, IUser bot, GuildData data, Snowflake guildId, CancellationToken ct = default)
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
var builder = new StringBuilder().AppendLine($"### <@{target.ID}>");
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
2024-02-06 12:09:26 +00:00
if (target.GlobalName.IsDefined(out var globalName))
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2024-02-06 12:09:26 +00:00
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
var memberData = data.GetOrCreateMemberData(target.ID);
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
var embedColor = ColorsList.Cyan;
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
var guildMemberResult = await _guildApi.GetGuildMemberAsync(guildId, target.ID, ct);
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
DateTimeOffset? communicationDisabledUntil = null;
if (guildMemberResult.IsDefined(out var guildMember))
communicationDisabledUntil = guildMember.CommunicationDisabledUntil.OrDefault(null);
embedColor = AppendGuildInformation(embedColor, guildMember, builder);
2023-12-21 18:35:10 +03:00
var wasMuted = (memberData.MutedUntil is not null && DateTimeOffset.UtcNow <= memberData.MutedUntil) ||
communicationDisabledUntil is not null;
var wasBanned = memberData.BannedUntil is not null;
var wasKicked = memberData.Kicked;
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
2023-12-21 18:35:10 +03:00
if (wasMuted || wasBanned || wasKicked)
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
builder.Append("### ")
2023-10-06 15:35:08 +03:00
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
2023-12-21 18:35:10 +03:00
embedColor = AppendPunishmentsInformation(wasMuted, wasKicked, wasBanned, memberData,
builder, embedColor, communicationDisabledUntil);
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
2023-12-21 18:35:10 +03:00
if (!guildMemberResult.IsSuccess && !wasBanned)
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
builder.Append("### ")
2023-10-06 15:35:08 +03:00
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
embedColor = ColorsList.Default;
var embed = new EmbedBuilder().WithSmallTitle(
2023-10-06 15:23:45 +03:00
string.Format(Messages.InformationAbout, target.GetTag()), bot)
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
2023-10-06 15:23:45 +03:00
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
.WithFooter($"ID: {target.ID.ToString()}")
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
2023-12-17 18:44:18 +03:00
return await _feedback.SendContextualEmbedResultAsync(embed, ct: ct);
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
2023-12-21 18:35:10 +03:00
private static Color AppendPunishmentsInformation(bool wasMuted, bool wasKicked, bool wasBanned,
MemberData memberData, StringBuilder builder, Color embedColor, DateTimeOffset? communicationDisabledUntil)
if (wasMuted)
AppendMuteInformation(memberData, communicationDisabledUntil, builder);
embedColor = ColorsList.Red;
if (wasKicked)
if (wasBanned)
AppendBanInformation(memberData, builder);
embedColor = ColorsList.Black;
return embedColor;
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
private static Color AppendGuildInformation(Color color, IGuildMember guildMember, StringBuilder builder)
if (guildMember.Nickname.IsDefined(out var nickname))
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
if (guildMember.PremiumSince.IsDefined(out var premiumSince))
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
color = ColorsList.Magenta;
if (guildMember.Roles.Count > 0)
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
for (var i = 0; i < guildMember.Roles.Count - 1; i++)
builder.Append($"<@&{guildMember.Roles[i]}>, ");
return color;
private static void AppendBanInformation(MemberData memberData, StringBuilder builder)
if (memberData.BannedUntil < DateTimeOffset.MaxValue)
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
Messages.DescriptionActionExpiresAt, Markdown.Timestamp(memberData.BannedUntil.Value)));
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
private static void AppendMuteInformation(
MemberData memberData, DateTimeOffset? communicationDisabledUntil, StringBuilder builder)
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
if (memberData.MutedUntil is not null && DateTimeOffset.UtcNow <= memberData.MutedUntil)
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
Messages.DescriptionActionExpiresAt, Markdown.Timestamp(memberData.MutedUntil.Value)));
if (communicationDisabledUntil is not null)
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00
Messages.DescriptionActionExpiresAt, Markdown.Timestamp(communicationDisabledUntil.Value)));
2023-09-29 19:22:44 +03:00
2023-10-06 15:23:45 +03:00
/// <summary>
/// A slash command that shows guild information.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Information in the output:
/// <list type="bullet">
/// <item>Guild description</item>
/// <item>Creation date</item>
/// <item>Guild's language</item>
/// <item>Guild's owner</item>
/// <item>Boost level</item>
/// <item>Boost count</item>
/// </list>
/// </remarks>
/// <returns>
/// A feedback sending result which may or may not have succeeded.
/// </returns>
[Description("Shows info current guild")]
public async Task<Result> ExecuteGuildInfoAsync()
if (!_context.TryGetContextIDs(out var guildId, out _, out _))
return new ArgumentInvalidError(nameof(_context), "Unable to retrieve necessary IDs from command context");
var botResult = await _userApi.GetCurrentUserAsync(CancellationToken);
if (!botResult.IsDefined(out var bot))
return Result.FromError(botResult);
var guildResult = await _guildApi.GetGuildAsync(guildId, ct: CancellationToken);
if (!guildResult.IsDefined(out var guild))
return Result.FromError(guildResult);
var data = await _guildData.GetData(guildId, CancellationToken);
Messages.Culture = GuildSettings.Language.Get(data.Settings);
return await ShowGuildInfoAsync(bot, guild, CancellationToken);
2023-12-06 00:24:55 +05:00
private Task<Result> ShowGuildInfoAsync(IUser bot, IGuild guild, CancellationToken ct)
2023-10-06 15:23:45 +03:00
var description = new StringBuilder().AppendLine($"## {guild.Name}");
if (guild.Description is not null)
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2023-10-06 15:23:45 +03:00
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2023-10-06 15:23:45 +03:00
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2023-10-06 15:23:45 +03:00
var embedColor = ColorsList.Cyan;
if (guild.PremiumTier > PremiumTier.None)
description.Append("### ").AppendLine(Messages.GuildInfoServerBoost)
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2023-10-06 15:23:45 +03:00
.Append(": ").AppendLine(Markdown.InlineCode(guild.PremiumTier.ToString()))
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2023-10-06 15:23:45 +03:00
.Append(": ").AppendLine(Markdown.InlineCode(guild.PremiumSubscriptionCount.ToString()));
embedColor = ColorsList.Magenta;
var embed = new EmbedBuilder().WithSmallTitle(
string.Format(Messages.InformationAbout, guild.Name), bot)
.WithFooter($"ID: {guild.ID.ToString()}")
2023-12-17 18:44:18 +03:00
return _feedback.SendContextualEmbedResultAsync(embed, ct: ct);
2023-10-06 15:23:45 +03:00
2023-09-29 19:22:44 +03:00
/// <summary>
/// A slash command that generates a random number using maximum and minimum numbers.
/// </summary>
2023-10-04 15:32:54 +03:00
/// <param name="first">The first number used for randomization.</param>
/// <param name="second">The second number used for randomization. Default value: 0</param>
2023-09-29 19:22:44 +03:00
/// <returns>
/// A feedback sending result which may or may not have succeeded.
/// </returns>
[Description("Generates a random number")]
public async Task<Result> ExecuteRandomAsync(
2023-10-04 15:32:54 +03:00
[Description("First number")] long first,
[Description("Second number (Default: 0)")]
long? second = null)
2023-09-29 19:22:44 +03:00
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
if (!_context.TryGetContextIDs(out var guildId, out _, out var executorId))
2023-09-29 19:22:44 +03:00
return new ArgumentInvalidError(nameof(_context), "Unable to retrieve necessary IDs from command context");
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
var executorResult = await _userApi.GetUserAsync(executorId, CancellationToken);
if (!executorResult.IsDefined(out var executor))
2023-09-29 19:22:44 +03:00
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
return Result.FromError(executorResult);
2023-09-29 19:22:44 +03:00
var data = await _guildData.GetData(guildId, CancellationToken);
Messages.Culture = GuildSettings.Language.Get(data.Settings);
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
return await SendRandomNumberAsync(first, second, executor, CancellationToken);
2023-09-29 19:22:44 +03:00
2023-12-06 00:24:55 +05:00
private Task<Result> SendRandomNumberAsync(long first, long? secondNullable,
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
IUser executor, CancellationToken ct)
2023-09-29 19:22:44 +03:00
2023-10-04 15:32:54 +03:00
const long secondDefault = 0;
var second = secondNullable ?? secondDefault;
var min = Math.Min(first, second);
var max = Math.Max(first, second);
var i = Random.Shared.NextInt64(min, max + 1);
var description = new StringBuilder().Append("# ").Append(i);
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2023-10-04 15:32:54 +03:00
Messages.RandomMin, Markdown.InlineCode(min.ToString())));
if (secondNullable is null && first >= secondDefault)
2023-09-29 19:22:44 +03:00
2023-10-04 15:32:54 +03:00
description.Append(' ').Append(Messages.Default);
2023-09-29 19:22:44 +03:00
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2023-10-04 15:32:54 +03:00
Messages.RandomMax, Markdown.InlineCode(max.ToString())));
if (secondNullable is null && first < secondDefault)
description.Append(' ').Append(Messages.Default);
2023-09-29 19:22:44 +03:00
2023-10-04 15:32:54 +03:00
var embedColor = ColorsList.Blue;
if (secondNullable is not null && min == max)
embedColor = ColorsList.Red;
2023-09-29 19:22:44 +03:00
2023-10-04 15:32:54 +03:00
var embed = new EmbedBuilder().WithSmallTitle(
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
string.Format(Messages.RandomTitle, executor.GetTag()), executor)
2023-10-04 15:32:54 +03:00
2023-09-29 19:22:44 +03:00
2023-12-17 18:44:18 +03:00
return _feedback.SendContextualEmbedResultAsync(embed, ct: ct);
2023-09-29 19:22:44 +03:00
2023-10-03 15:07:41 +03:00
private static readonly TimestampStyle[] AllStyles =
2023-12-20 21:23:37 +05:00
2023-10-03 15:07:41 +03:00
2023-12-20 21:23:37 +05:00
2023-10-03 15:07:41 +03:00
/// <summary>
/// A slash command that shows the current timestamp with an optional offset in all styles supported by Discord.
/// </summary>
2023-12-31 15:27:00 +03:00
/// <param name="stringOffset">The offset for the current timestamp.</param>
2023-10-03 15:07:41 +03:00
/// <returns>
/// A feedback sending result which may or may not have succeeded.
/// </returns>
[Description("Shows a timestamp in all styles")]
public async Task<Result> ExecuteTimestampAsync(
2023-12-31 15:27:00 +03:00
[Description("Offset from current time")] [Option("offset")]
string? stringOffset = null)
2023-10-03 15:07:41 +03:00
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
if (!_context.TryGetContextIDs(out var guildId, out _, out var executorId))
2023-10-03 15:07:41 +03:00
return new ArgumentInvalidError(nameof(_context), "Unable to retrieve necessary IDs from command context");
2023-12-31 15:27:00 +03:00
var botResult = await _userApi.GetCurrentUserAsync(CancellationToken);
if (!botResult.IsDefined(out var bot))
return Result.FromError(botResult);
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
var executorResult = await _userApi.GetUserAsync(executorId, CancellationToken);
if (!executorResult.IsDefined(out var executor))
2023-10-03 15:07:41 +03:00
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
return Result.FromError(executorResult);
2023-10-03 15:07:41 +03:00
var data = await _guildData.GetData(guildId, CancellationToken);
Messages.Culture = GuildSettings.Language.Get(data.Settings);
2023-12-31 15:27:00 +03:00
if (stringOffset is null)
return await SendTimestampAsync(null, executor, CancellationToken);
var parseResult = TimeSpanParser.TryParse(stringOffset);
if (!parseResult.IsDefined(out var offset))
var failedEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
.WithSmallTitle(Messages.InvalidTimeSpan, bot)
return await _feedback.SendContextualEmbedResultAsync(failedEmbed, ct: CancellationToken);
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
return await SendTimestampAsync(offset, executor, CancellationToken);
2023-10-03 15:07:41 +03:00
2023-12-06 00:24:55 +05:00
private Task<Result> SendTimestampAsync(TimeSpan? offset, IUser executor, CancellationToken ct)
2023-10-03 15:07:41 +03:00
var timestamp = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.Add(offset ?? TimeSpan.Zero).ToUnixTimeSeconds();
var description = new StringBuilder().Append("# ").AppendLine(timestamp.ToString());
if (offset is not null)
Messages.TimestampOffset, Markdown.InlineCode(offset.ToString() ?? string.Empty))).AppendLine();
foreach (var markdownTimestamp in AllStyles.Select(style => Markdown.Timestamp(timestamp, style)))
2023-12-04 17:09:47 +03:00
2023-10-03 15:07:41 +03:00
.Append(" → ").AppendLine(markdownTimestamp);
var embed = new EmbedBuilder().WithSmallTitle(
2023-10-04 20:21:10 +05:00
string.Format(Messages.TimestampTitle, executor.GetTag()), executor)
2023-10-03 15:07:41 +03:00
2023-12-17 18:44:18 +03:00
return _feedback.SendContextualEmbedResultAsync(embed, ct: ct);
2023-10-03 15:07:41 +03:00
2023-09-29 15:31:45 +03:00