apply from: 'gradle/scripts/helpers.gradle' setDefaultProperty('publish_to_maven', true, false) setDefaultProperty('publish_to_curseforge', true, false) setDefaultProperty('publish_to_modrinth', true, false) if (propertyBool('publish_to_maven')) { assertProperty('maven_name') assertProperty('maven_url') publishing { repositories { maven { name propertyString('maven_name').replaceAll("\\s", "") url propertyString('maven_url') credentials(PasswordCredentials) } } publications { mavenJava(MavenPublication) { from // Publish with standard artifacts setGroupId(propertyString('root_package'))// Publish with root package as maven group setArtifactId(propertyString('mod_id')) // Publish artifacts with mod id as the artifact id // Custom artifact: // If you want to publish a different artifact to the one outputted when building normally // Create a different gradle task (Jar task), in extra.gradle // Remove the 'from' line above // Add this line (change the task name): // artifacts task_name } } } } // Documentation here: if (propertyBool('publish_to_curseforge')) { apply plugin: 'com.matthewprenger.cursegradle' assertProperty('curseforge_project_id') assertProperty('release_type') setDefaultProperty('curseforge_debug', false, false) curseforge { apiKey = System.getenv('CURSEFORGE_TOKEN') == null ? "" : System.getenv('CURSEFORGE_TOKEN') // noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck project { id = propertyString('curseforge_project_id') addGameVersion 'Java 8' addGameVersion 'Forge' addGameVersion '1.12.2' releaseType = propertyString('release_type') if (!propertyBool('publish_with_changelog')) { changelog = parserChangelog() changelogType = 'markdown' } mainArtifact tasks.reobfJar, { displayName = "${propertyString('mod_name')} ${propertyString('mod_version')}" if (propertyBool('use_mixins')) { relations { requiredDependency 'mixin-booter' } } if (propertyBool('use_asset_mover')) { relations { requiredDependency 'assetmover' } } } options { debug = propertyBool('curseforge_debug') } } } } // Documentation here: if (propertyBool('publish_to_modrinth')) { apply plugin: 'com.modrinth.minotaur' assertProperty('modrinth_project_id') assertProperty('release_type') setDefaultProperty('modrinth_debug', false, false) modrinth { token = System.getenv('MODRINTH_TOKEN') ? "" : System.getenv('MODRINTH_TOKEN') projectId = propertyString('modrinth_project_id') versionNumber = propertyString('mod_version') versionType = propertyString('release_type') uploadFile = tasks.reobfJar gameVersions = ['1.12.2'] loaders = ['forge'] debugMode = propertyBool('modrinth_debug') if (propertyBool('use_mixins') || propertyBool('use_asset_mover')) { dependencies { if (propertyBool('use_mixins')) { required.project 'mixinbooter' } if (propertyBool('use_asset_mover')) { required.project 'assetmover' } } } if (!propertyBool('publish_with_changelog')) { changelog = parserChangelog() } if (propertyBool('modrinth_sync_readme')) { syncBodyFrom = file('').text tasks.modrinth.dependsOn(tasks.modrinthSyncBody) } } }