2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
import org.jetbrains.gradle.ext.Gradle
2022-01-06 14:59:55 +03:00
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
plugins {
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
id 'java'
id 'java-library'
id 'maven-publish'
id 'org.jetbrains.gradle.plugin.idea-ext' version '1.1.7'
id 'eclipse'
id 'com.gtnewhorizons.retrofuturagradle' version '1.3.16'
id 'com.matthewprenger.cursegradle' version '1.4.0'
2022-01-20 19:56:26 +03:00
version = project.mod_version
group = project.maven_group
archivesBaseName = project.archives_base_name
2022-01-06 14:59:55 +03:00
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
// Set the toolchain version to decouple the Java we run Gradle with from the Java used to compile and run the mod
java {
toolchain {
// Azul covers the most platforms for Java 8 toolchains, crucially including MacOS arm64
// Generate sources and javadocs jars when building and publishing
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
// withJavadocJar()
2022-01-06 14:59:55 +03:00
2023-04-24 17:42:45 +03:00
tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach {
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
options.encoding = 'UTF-8'
2023-04-24 17:42:45 +03:00
2022-01-20 19:56:26 +03:00
configurations {
2022-01-06 14:59:55 +03:00
minecraft {
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
mcVersion = '1.12.2'
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
// MCP Mappings
mcpMappingChannel = 'stable'
mcpMappingVersion = '39'
// Set username here, the UUID will be looked up automatically
username = 'Developer'
// Add any additional tweaker classes here
// extraTweakClasses.add('org.spongepowered.asm.launch.MixinTweaker')
// Add various JVM arguments here for runtime
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
def args = ["-ea:${project.group}"]
2022-09-05 17:04:02 +03:00
if (project.use_coremod.toBoolean()) {
args << '-Dfml.coreMods.load=' + coremod_plugin_class_name
if (project.use_mixins.toBoolean()) {
args << '-Dmixin.hotSwap=true'
args << '-Dmixin.checks.interfaces=true'
args << '-Dmixin.debug.export=true'
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
// Include and use dependencies' Access Transformer files
2023-04-27 15:04:20 +03:00
useDependencyAccessTransformers = true
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
// Add any properties you want to swap out for a dynamic value at build time here
// Any properties here will be added to a class at build time, the name can be configured below
// Example:
// injectedTags.put('VERSION', project.version)
// injectedTags.put('MOD_ID', project.archives_base_name)
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
// Generate a group.archives_base_name.Tags class
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
tasks.injectTags.configure {
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
// Change Tags class' name here:
2022-01-20 19:56:26 +03:00
repositories {
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
maven {
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
name 'CleanroomMC Maven'
url 'https://maven.cleanroommc.com'
maven {
name 'SpongePowered Maven'
url 'https://repo.spongepowered.org/maven'
2022-09-05 17:04:02 +03:00
2022-01-20 19:56:26 +03:00
maven {
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
name 'CurseMaven'
url 'https://cursemaven.com'
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
content {
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
includeGroup 'curse.maven'
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
2022-01-20 19:56:26 +03:00
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
mavenLocal() // Must be last for caching to work
2022-01-06 14:59:55 +03:00
dependencies {
2022-09-05 17:04:02 +03:00
if (project.use_assetmover.toBoolean()) {
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
implementation 'com.cleanroommc:assetmover:2.5'
2022-09-05 17:04:02 +03:00
if (project.use_mixins.toBoolean()) {
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
implementation 'zone.rong:mixinbooter:7.1'
2022-01-20 19:56:26 +03:00
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
// Example of deobfuscating a dependency
// implementation rfg.deobf('curse.maven:had-enough-items-557549:4543375')
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
if (project.use_mixins.toBoolean()) {
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
// Change your mixin refmap name here:
String mixin = modUtils.enableMixins('org.spongepowered:mixin:0.8.3', "mixins.${project.archives_base_name}.refmap.json")
api (mixin) {
transitive = false
annotationProcessor 'org.ow2.asm:asm-debug-all:5.2'
annotationProcessor 'com.google.guava:guava:24.1.1-jre'
annotationProcessor 'com.google.code.gson:gson:2.8.6'
annotationProcessor (mixin) {
transitive = false
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
2022-01-06 14:59:55 +03:00
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
// Adds Access Transformer files to tasks
2023-04-24 13:28:24 +03:00
if (project.use_access_transformer.toBoolean()) {
for (File at : sourceSets.getByName("main").resources.files) {
if (at.name.toLowerCase().endsWith("_at.cfg")) {
2022-01-06 14:59:55 +03:00
processResources {
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
// This will ensure that this task is redone when the versions change
2022-01-20 19:56:26 +03:00
inputs.property 'version', project.version
inputs.property 'mcversion', project.minecraft.version
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
// Replace various properties in mcmod.info and pack.mcmeta if applicable
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
filesMatching(['mcmod.info', 'pack.mcmeta']) { fcd ->
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
// Replace version and mcversion
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
fcd.expand (
'version': project.version,
'mcversion': project.minecraft.version
2022-01-06 14:59:55 +03:00
2022-09-05 17:04:02 +03:00
if (project.use_access_transformer.toBoolean()) {
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
rename '(.+_at.cfg)', 'META-INF/$1' // Make sure Access Transformer files are in META-INF folder
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
2022-01-20 19:56:26 +03:00
jar {
manifest {
2022-09-05 17:04:02 +03:00
def attribute_map = [:]
if (project.use_coremod.toBoolean()) {
attribute_map['FMLCorePlugin'] = project.coremod_plugin_class_name
if (project.include_mod.toBoolean()) {
attribute_map['FMLCorePluginContainsFMLMod'] = true
attribute_map['ForceLoadAsMod'] = project.gradle.startParameter.taskNames[0] == "build"
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
if (project.use_access_transformer.toBoolean()) {
2022-09-05 17:04:02 +03:00
attribute_map['FMLAT'] = project.archives_base_name + '_at.cfg'
2022-01-20 19:56:26 +03:00
2023-04-24 17:39:55 +03:00
// Add all embedded dependencies into the jar
from(provider{ configurations.embed.collect {it.isDirectory() ? it : zipTree(it)} })
2022-01-06 14:59:55 +03:00
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
idea {
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
module {
inheritOutputDirs = true
project {
settings {
runConfigurations {
"1. Run Client"(Gradle) {
taskNames = ["runClient"]
"2. Run Server"(Gradle) {
taskNames = ["runServer"]
"3. Run Obfuscated Client"(Gradle) {
taskNames = ["runObfClient"]
"4. Run Obfuscated Server"(Gradle) {
taskNames = ["runObfServer"]
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
compiler.javac {
afterEvaluate {
javacAdditionalOptions = "-encoding utf8"
moduleJavacAdditionalOptions = [
(project.name + ".main"): tasks.compileJava.options.compilerArgs.collect { '"' + it + '"' }.join(' ')
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
2023-05-28 05:55:27 +03:00
2023-04-24 13:23:28 +03:00
tasks.named("processIdeaSettings").configure {